Friday Favorites
There are only 8 more Fridays until summer…but who’s counting? 😉
One.1. Clock 2. Rug  3. Bookshelf 4. Globe 5. Comforter
On Saturday, we did some spring cleaning (which I will talk more about next week)! One of my favorite parts about the cleaning process, (other than everything being extra clean) was that we rearranged our guest room. I love the way it turned out!
I know I’ve talked about how Eric and I love writing notes to each other. It’s become our thing. I thought some new stationary would be the extra nudge I need to write more notes consistently. I also thought this was cute for random notes to yourself.
In case you want to read more about us…
The sun was shining this week and it was in the 70’s. Amen, amen, amen!
I was on the hunt for a natural toothpaste with less ingredients than most out there. I ended up buying this toothpaste and love it! Apparently you can add two drops of orange vitality and it helps whiten teeth. Who know? Lord knows I could use some whitening after all the coffee I’ve been drinking lately.
Five.These muffins are to die for!
What are your plans this weekend?!  Also, what are some things you want to see on the blog in the warmer months ahead? 🙂