Friday Favorites

Happy Friday everyone! Five random favorites for you today and hoping you have the best Friday and weekend ahead. 🙂 We’ll be with friends, family, and soaking in our 7 week old! HOW?!


Oh my word, these jeans are heavenly. Favorite X10!


I shared this quote on here in a story and also with several friends and family because it was just too good not to share.

“If your heart and your mind are aligned in the direction of God, you don’t have to agonize to the point of paralysis over decisions before you. We will steer where we stare. So stare mightily at God and His word in your life, and His plan will unfold day by day. Decision by decision.”

It is from the amazing devotional that you can buy here. 🙂 Seriously, just get it and start your day off right.



Have you heard of the Soundfreaq? We actually got this as a wedding present and I somehow never talked about it on here. It connects to my phone and is perfect to play music throughout the day. Easy.

Four.Peanut Butter Chocolate Chip BitesHoly moly these are so good.


Last week I bought a few tank tops from Old Navy that I loooove. BUT they are sold out. 🙁 I found a similar style and material here though! I have worn these with jeans, shorts, etc. Dresses up or down, they are classic and can be mixed and matched with a ton of different jewelry. 🙂 I also LOVE them paired with these pants.
