April 2018

In some ways this post is a little surreal. I realized that for the past 26 months I have been recapping our months in this little space and next month at this time, I will most likely be soaking in snuggles with our newborn baby! But here’s the recap of this month… 🙂

What we’re eating this week:My Summer Quinoa Salad, Blueberry Ginger Smoothie and Honey Lime & Garlic Salmon.What I’m reminiscing about: The other night Eric and I were talking about what we were doing last year at this time. Our main focus was planning for Italy and everything that came along with that. It is crazy how each day can seem so mundane but looking back, so much has changed in a year. 

What I’m loving lately:

The babies room. 🙂 It has become one of my favorite rooms in our home. I love everything about it! Pictures are coming soon but in the meantime, here are a few items to give you a sneak peak. 🙂 

What we’ve been up to:

Being intentional. Last week, I took the week off from social media, blogging, etc. because sometimes, you just need to.

What I’m dreading:

To be honest, I am dreading getting less sleep. I love routine and I know that will be changing very soon. It will all be so worth it though. 🙂 

What I’m working on:This past weekend we made so many freezer meals and we kept saying we aren’t sure why we haven’t done this before?! I’ll be recapping the recipes we made/froze soon but in the meantime, you can make these to freeze!

What I’m excited about:


What I’m watching/reading:

We have had the TV off A LOT lately…and it’s been the best! We’ve been trying to do away with technology as much as we can other than work. We did watch the movie, Home Again the other week and here’s my dilemma. I love Reese Witherspoon. She’s my favorite actress but I didn’t like the movie. 🙁 You win some, you lose some.

I told you last month how I started reading Grace, Not Perfection. Then I posted about it in my Friday Favorites because it was just SO GOOD. She truly has a gift and such a great message to share that was inspiring and uplifting.

What I’m listening to:I could use all the info and encouragement at this stage of the game. 😉 

What I’m wearing:

Scoopneck Tank/ Legging/Pajama Pant/Running Shoe/Nike Shorts

I have been wearing so many things above on repeat. These have been staples in my wardrobe.

What I’m doing this weekend:

Soaking up some sunshine and prepping some more. 🙂 

What I’m looking forward to next month:

The pool is opening! Woohoo! It’s my favorite time of the year! 

What else is new:

Not much. You can always follow me on InstagramBloglovin, and Pinterest to keep up with my every day!

For fun, I linked to ALL my past What’s Up Wednesday posts if you feel like looking back. 🙂

What’s Up Wednesday recaps:

March 2018

February 2018

January 2018

December 2017

November 2017

October 2017

September 2017

August 2017

July 2017

June 2017

May 2017

April 2017

March 2017

February 2017

January 2017

December 2016

November 2016

October 2016

September 2016

August 2016

July 2016

June 2016

May 2016

April 2016

March 2016

February 2016

Blueberry Ginger Smoothie

I’ve been trying to incorporate healthy fats, greens, and anti-inflamatory elements into my diet as much as possible these days. This smoothie encompasses all of these things and is packed to the brim with flavor. It’s deliciously sweet with a, “zing” from the ginger. It’s simple to make and complex in flavor, leaving you satisfied until the next meal. You’ll love it. 🙂 



  • 1 cup Coconut water
  • 1 cup Frozen Blueberries
  • 1 Frozen banana
  • 1 cup Spinach
  • 1 inch Ginger
  • 1 scoop Vanilla Vital Proteins
  • 1 Tbsp Hemp hearts
  • 1 Tbsp Chia seeds
  • Handful of ice

What to do:

Combine all ingredients into a quality blender and blend until smooth. (About a minute or two).


Friday Favorites

The weather was GORGEOUS yesterday and today is no exception. I am beyond excited for it to warm up and get outside more! 🙂 I’m linking up with some of my favorites about my favorites from the week! I hope everyone has a great Friday and a fun weekend planned!


Lately I have craved salt on anything and everything. Eric has also looked up a lot of info (researching things is one of his favorites) about the benefits of pink himalayan salt. I figured if we are going to use it often, we might as well have a cute jar like this one to store it in, right? 😉

Two.Our CSA starts up soon and I could not be more excited! I love having produce straight from the garden on hand each week. 🙂 Even if you aren’t part of a CSA, you can buy ingredients to make these dishes at home!

Veggie Detox Bowl

Veggie Cornucopia

I know I mentioned in this post that I started reading Grace, Not Perfection. Well, I’m more than half way through and basically want to tell every woman I know to read it. SO GOOD! Also, has anyone read this book?

Four.I think I’m still on a high from our Baby Shower on Sunday. It was perfect in every way and just so, so grateful for the hands that made it happen and everyone involved.


This water bottle has been my best friend since I’m drinking almost a gallon of water a day at this point. We also ordered the same brand in bottles! (You can click on the picture to take a sneak peak at all the fun colors they offer). I’ve heard they’re indestructible. 😉 Big bonus though…you can put them in the dishwasher with the sleeve on. 🙂 How awesome!? Here’s to Friday!

Spring Cleaning

You can click here to read about all of my spring cleaning tips that still remain true this year. If you need some new pieces (or coffee table books) that last throughout all the seasons, you can go here! Happy Wednesday! xo

Baby Spring Shower

The day flew by but it will be engrained in my memory forever. Every person, gift, and detail was exactly what I imagined and more. I could cry at the thought of how each and every person went above and beyond to love on our little girl. I’m overwhelmed with gratitude and thankful for each and every relationship that filled the room. Baby Spring is so loved already and we can’t wait to meet her!