Happy Father’s Day!
Happy Father’s Day! You can read all about my Dad, here! I’m one lucky girl. 🙂
Happy Father’s Day! You can read all about my Dad, here! I’m one lucky girl. 🙂
This is my first Friday at home since school is out and I am loving it! As always, I’m linking up with Erika, Narci, and Andrea for our Friday Favorites!
I got these shorts at Target before we left for vacation and LOVE them! They are extremely comfortable and light weight!
Our first day of vacation recap is here! Stay tuned for more posts next week!
Who remembers these movies?! My family and I were reminiscing about this classic and decided to watch it! It brought back so many fun memories!
I’ve had these sunglasses for four years and they are perfect! Buy them. You won’t regret it. I promise. 😉
Polo Design/ Cole Haan/ Calvin Klein/ Polo Solid/ Nike/ Phillies/ Polka DotÂ
It’s almost Father’s Day! You can’t go wrong with socks and these prices! 🙂
Happy, happy Friday!
Four years ago I went to Colorado. It was the summer between when I was supposed to graduate and student teaching. I felt so scattered and had little desire to stay in the same small town I grew up in. While there, I lived with my Aunt, Uncle, and cousins who welcomed me with open arms. I nannied for a family and loved every second of that summer.
When Eric and I met, our first conversation was sparked when I mentioned about my time living in Colorado. We talked all about the beautiful state, how much I loved it, and his unfulfilled desire to visit. While engaged, we added it to our travel bucket list and set it aside. This February rolled around and we took a look at our finances, summer plans, and our bucket list. Everything seemed to line up so I called my Aunt, we looked at flights, and with one simple click we were going to Colorado!
We arrived in the Centennial State late on Wednesday night and expected the time difference to force us to get more sleep. But, as if it were Christmas morning, Eric woke up bright and early looking out the window with excitement. I was reliving a million memories of how much has changed since the last time I was here. Relationships, jobs, and living situations were completely different since four years ago. I counted my blessings that morning that I was next to someone with this much excitement for a place I once called home.
We hopped out of bed and took in the early morning views excited to venture out. We quickly made breakfast and decided to hike nearby Mederas Mountain. We were thankful the altitude didn’t hold us back and climbed to the top, took a ton of pictures and openly welcomed our vacation. We were so glad to be together in a place that we talked about at the beginning of our relationship. After our hike, we headed to the neighboring town of Glenwood Springs where I spent my summer four years ago. I was so eager to show Eric the ins and outs of the town and my favorite coffee shop, Sacred Grounds. We ate lunch, drank coffee, and took in the view. We talked about life and how blessed we were to be able to travel here for a vacation.
Our last stop of the day was a bike ride along the Rio Grande Trail with amazing views of white water rivers and snow capped mountains.  Tried and parched from the heat and altitude, we stopped for a drink at Glenwood Canyon Brewpub. As the storm clouds rolled in, we headed back to the house with full hearts. Even on the first day, I already knew this trip was going to be one for the books.
We’re home! Colorado was so beautiful and I can’t wait to update you on everywhere we went! But today, I’m doing laundry, sipping coffee, and reading. 🙂
Have a great Wednesday! xoxo
Since school is out for the summer, life lately has been a different sort of pace…
We started wedding season…
We (Eric) has been working on growing some fresh herbs and tomatoes…
and we’ve been cooking a lot…
The summer is going to fly by and I know there is a lot of time for memories to be made. I don’t want to miss out on a single moment, but rather welcome it with open arms.
Happy Tuesday!