Search Results for: shop

Friday Favorites

It’s Friday! I’m linking up with these beauties: Erika, Narci, and Andrea for our favorites this Friday!


1.Dark brown //2. Black//3. Light brown

I have been searching and searching for fringe sandals. I finally found a few I like but I need your opinion. Which pair is your favorite?!


stephanie-spring.comIt has been SO gorgeous outside and we have definitely been taking advantage of it with evening walks! I look forward to them so much. 🙂

Three. stephanie-spring.comOn Saturday we went to a hockey game and happened to be in the front row along the ice. So. Much. Fun! 🙂

Four. stephanie-spring.comEric had a game on Monday night and a group of us went to watch. Eric has played baseball since…forever and this was only the second time I’ve seen him play. It was a beautiful night and so fun to watch! 😉

Five. Owen is one of my favorite bloggers! I featured her this week here and you can find the answers to all of my questions, here!

If you missed any of my last few Friday Favorites…

Friday Favorites: Fourteen

Friday Favorites: Thirteen

Friday Favorites: Twelve 

Friday Favorites: Eleven

Friday Favorites: Ten

Need a quick lunch or dinner idea for this weekend? I have you covered! 🙂

Happy, happy weekend! 4 fridays

A Day in My Life

Show and Tell - IG GraphicI’m linking up with Andrea for Show and Tell Tuesdays: A Day in My Life. My day starts and ends early. 😉

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I love this life. 🙂

Friday Favorites

Oh hey Friday! There were a lot of favorites this week! The weather was gorgeous, we went to dinner with friends, and we have such a fun weekend planned!

One.stephanie-spring.comCOOLA Sunscreen, Lancer Sun Shield, Arcona Sunscreen, Raw Elements Sunscreen, MDSolarSciences.

You guys totally blew me away with your suggestions and input on sunscreen after this post! I love a good sunscreen!

Two.Summer Quinoa Salad Recipe at: stephanie-spring.comMy Summer Quinoa Salad is a favorite. I made it this week and fell in love all over again. 🙂

Three.I’m teaming up with Lily and Val for a giveaway that ends tonight! Follow me here and enter here!

Four.stephanie-spring.comOn Tuesday, Eric and I decided to get up a little early and go out to breakfast before work. I have no idea why we don’t do this more often?! I was so giddy all day after having a date before the work day even started! 🙂

Five.FullSizeRender (13)Organic vegetables from a local farm?! Favorite, favorite, favorite!

Happy Friday friends! Enjoy your weekend! xo

4 fridays

Deserted Island + Medicine Cabinet Items

Island-finalIt would be a TON of fun to be stranded on a deserted island with Erika and Shay! I feel like we would never tire of things to chat about! There are definitely some things I would like to bring along though. If I could plan ahead, of course. 😉  This week, we’re talking all about medicine cabinet items! What are my go-to’s and my can’t live withouts?!

One. I’m obsessed with this stuff. I put it on my lips so many times throughout the day. I have it in my purse, on my desk at school, and on my nightstand. It would be along for the ride!

Two. I’m not sure if moisturizer technically counts as a medicine cabinet item so I decided two and three were a tie. 😉 (This is also another great moisturizer that I use every day. It never fails!)

Three. My allergies are insane! If I’m stranded, the least I can do is not be sneezing the entire time.

Four. I love, love, love this sunscreen and it would definitely make it on the list of things I would bring on an island. But ladies, I need your help!2016-04-10_0001

I’m trying to find a sunscreen with less toxins. I’ve heard great things about COOLA sunscreen, Lancer Sun Shield, Arcona Sunscreen, Raw Elements Sunscreen, and MDSolarSciences.

Has anyone tried these? I’m up for any recommendations! 🙂

Don’t forget to enter this fun giveaway!

Have a great Wednesday!

Kitchen Diary + Giveaway! I love how the smells and tastes of food can instantly bring back memories. The food we make now is creating memories for tomorrow and years to come. I want to remember what fed us and nourished us a year ago and why that recipe sticks out so much. When I mentioned the Kitchen Diary in my Friday Favorites, several of you commented how great you thought it was! It really is perfect for a bridal shower, wedding gift, or Mother’s Day! It takes ordinary recipes and instantly creates a special keepsake filled with memories attached to you and your family. Best of all, with a $25 shop credit, you could really put some extra mulah towards anything your heart desires in the Lily and Val shop! Be sure to enter below and tag friends on Instagram that you share special memories with. Let’s be honest, some of the fondest memories are made surrounding food. 🙂 To enter the Instagram part of rafflecopter, add your Instagram handle and make sure you follow me, as well as Lily and Val! 🙂

a Rafflecopter giveaway

*Giveaway ends on Friday at 11:59 p.m. The winner will be announced next Monday!*