Sweet and Cozy

As fall rolls around and leads into winter, cozy is the name of the game in our home. Whether it’s when people are over or just the two of us, there are definitely elements that create the sweet and cozy feel that makes a house a home. 🙂

  1. First up: Blankets. I just can’t get enough and the softer the better!                                                                                                               

Top left. Top right. Bottom left. Bottom right.

2. Candles. Since I’ve been burning Antique Candle Works non-stop I figured I would share some of my favorite scents with you. (Since I own almost every one! Shhh!) 🙂 These also make such cute Christmas gifts! (wink-wink!)

Sage and Citrus. Cashmere. Momma’s Kitchen. (Pssst..it’s on sale!) Good Tidings.

3. Simple decor goes a long way to making a home cozy. I bought some mini white pumpkins, some silver dollar eucalyptus, and mixed it with some pine cones. I have a few candles in the background too! Done! 🙂

4. Coffee please! I love having the Keurig on when people come over, especially in the fall and winter months. It instantly creates a cozy feeling of coffee flowing and makes me want to snuggle up with a warm blanket! 🙂 Happy fall everyone!


16 hours

5:30 a.m.

5:45 a.m.7:00 a.m.

10:00 a.m.12:15 p.m.

6:00 p.m.

On average, there are about 16 hours in my day. 16. Some days the 16 hours are jam-packed and other days they feel much, much lighter! However, a typical day hasn’t changed much over the years and in a lot of ways I’m extremely thankful for that. If anything, the changes that have been made, have created margin within my day to take a few extra breaths. Here we are in my 16 hours. 🙂

5:00- Wake up & shower (Face Cleanser, Clarisonic Mia 2)

5:30- Breakfast (here) and devotions. (I use the Bible app, Proverbs 31 Ministry, or read my Bible).

5:45- Hair: 1.Shampoo and Conditioner 2.12 Benefits Hair Treatment 3. Hairdryer 4. Curling Iron, 1″

5. Straightener 6. Smoothing Serum 7.Hairspray 8. Volume Spray (and smells ah-mazing!)

Make-up: 1.Foundation 2. All Over Face Color 4. Clinique High Impact Mascara 5.Mineral Veil 6. NARS Lips: Color 1. Color 2.

7:00- I get to school around 7:00 before the students arrive at 8:50. I get A LOT done during that time.

10:00- Planning period (Snack and grading/prep)

12:15- Typical lunch, here.

3:45- Head home to make dinner, like this.

Crock-Pot tip: I have been trying to use the crockpot about once a week this year. Since Eric and I are both gone more than 6 or 8 hours (like most recipes recommend) I have our meal cook overnight. Since I wake up before Eric, I remove the crockpot to give it time to cool and right before Eric leaves he puts it in the refrigerator. Then, we heat it up when we’re ready to eat that night! Easy! 🙂

6:00- We either head to the gym when Eric gets home or eat. Usually, eating wins and then we go for a walk afterwards. 🙂

7:30- Read, watch TV, etc.

9:00- Bed (yes, we go to bed early)!

I love this life so, so much. 🙂


Friday Favorites

It. Is. Friday! Yay! We had parent-teacher conferences (which I love!) on Wednesday and Thursday which leads me to my very first favorite of this week…


…I am probably still sleeping as you read this. 🙂 That my friends, is a favorite after a long week! We also have off for Columbus Day so I am SUPER thankful for a four-day weekend to catch up on life. 😉 I’m also almost positive that anyone who knows me well can vouch that I need my sleep! Ha!

Two. I also did two activities this week with my students that have been of FAVORITE of the year so far. I feel like students need many different representations of fractions as possible to really grasp the idea of what a fraction is. I found this fun activity and the kids had a blast making the kites! 🙂

Three. Thanks to Andrea, I also talked to my class about the importance of brightening someones day. We made these cards and the kids were SO sweet and excited about them! It made my week! 🙂


My No-Bake Pumpkin Cocoa Energy Bites are so simple and festive for this time of year. Who doesn’t want some pumpkin, chocolate, and energy?!

Five.I’ve been clinging to this verse all week. Have a great Friday everyone!

No Bake Pumpkin Cocoa Energy Bites


  • 1 1/4 cup oats
  • 1 Tbsp cocoa powder
  • 1 Tbsp cacao nibs
  • 1/3 cup pumpkin puree
  • 1/3 cup almond butter
  • 2 Tbsp maple syrup
  • 1.5 tsp pumpkin pie spice

What to do:

In a mixing bowl, combine all dry ingredients. Add remaining ingredients. Stir. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper. Roll the energy bites into one inch balls and place on the baking sheet. Refrigerate for about an hour. Enjoy!


Friday Favorites

Friday, Friday, Friday! After a busy week, we have an equally busy weekend ahead filled with a lot of fun things! 🙂

Today I thought I’d switch things up by sharing what my top five posts are thanks to YOU! Here we go…

One.My Homemade Lemon Larabars is my most viewed post and by far my post pinned recipe! I totally get it because they are DELICIOUS! If you haven’t pinned this yet, you have to!

Two.This made me smile so much. 🙂 I went a little deep into what our marriage (and Eric) means to me in this post and it was the second most popular post on my blog. 🙂 I love him. 🙂

Three.It made me laugh that this post was so popular but then again, I’m always looking for a new, everyday remedy!

/ Spring Tea Towel/ Dried Lavender/ Antique Galvanized Double Bucket /White Pitcher /Preserved Eucalyptus Branches Farmers Market Sign

I love a good home tour and apparently so do all of you! 🙂 You can read the original post here with some home decor ideas we have!

Five.You must love giveaways and Christmas decor as much as I do! How many would want another one this year?!

Happy Friday everyone and from the bottom of my heart, thank you for reading each and every day! You make this so fun! 🙂