For the Love


Ladies. If you are single, engaged, married, or divorced this book is for you. If you have a grueling schedule, or are as free as a bird, this book is for you. If you are pregnant, have one child, or ten children, this book is for you. If you enjoy laughing, crying, or laughing so hard that you cry, this book is for you. If you are in the best place you have ever been or at the lowest of lows, this book is for you. If you are trying to do your very best as a sister, daughter, friend, wife, or mother, this book is for you. Last but not least, if you feel like you need some reassurance that you, ‘aren’t the only one,’ this book is for you. Jen Hatmaker is hilarious and oh so wise. Seriously. Her fashion concerns are on point and the chapter, ‘Surviving School,’ well…if I could shout, “Amen!” from the rooftops, I would. This book is refreshingly honest and brilliant. It is for any and every woman.

Buy it here.


After talking about my love for Shauna Niequist’s books here, and then discovering Jen Hatmaker, I may have squealed when I saw this. These two amazing women are joining together and going on tour! I have heard such great things about the other women that are a part of the tour, and I could not be more excited! My ticket is ordered and my calendar is marked! Check out the dates, call up some of your closest friends, and make a girls weekend out of it! 🙂