
Show & Tell: Steal or Splurge?

As I was thinking about what Eric and I save on and what we splurge on, a lot of things ended up being in the same category. Here’s what I mean… One. We don’t buy our coffee. We always make our coffee at home and take it to-go. We save a lot of money that way! But, then again…

When we go out for coffee, we spend $15 on one cup because coffee is worth the splurge.

Two. We cook breakfast, lunch, and dinner at home almost every single day for a few reasons. We both really, really enjoy cooking. It lets us know what is going into our food. We can prepare it exactly the way we like it. It saves us a TON of money, It’s a win all around. But then again…
When we go out to dinner, we go all out with every single course and don’t feel the least bit bad about it!

Like this meal… 🙂

Three. Investing in traveling is without a doubt an amazing experience. We don’t do it a ton but we are extremely blessed to have already traveled the places we have and go big on them when we do. Splurge on this one, ladies!
Santorini, Greece
Florence, ItalyMaroon Bells, ColoradoPunta Cana, Dominican Republic.

To some these may not be steals or splurges, but it works for us and we love it. 🙂 What’s on your list?


Friday Favorites

This week was a short one but I’m always ready for a Friday! This weekend will involve a lot of odds and ends, dinner with friends, church and small group. 🙂 But first…

One.If you take a look at the top of my blog, you will see I added a, “SHOP” page. This will be a combination of things I am loving that week that I wanted to share with you. 🙂 I added some kitchen gadgets this week since I will be doing a lot of cooking and baking this weekend. It will range from beauty products to clothes, to decor or things I use in the kitchen. Be sure to check it out and shop around!


You can also find a drop-down menu under, “FOOD” now. 🙂 There may be a few glitches until it’s all worked out but most of the food should be categorized so it’s easier to find. Myself included. 😉


Since Friday Favorites happens every week, they got their own space also! You can find it under, “LIFESTYLE.”

Four.If you follow me on Instagram, you may have seen that we officially booked our trip to Italy! I am so excited it’s ridiculous! If you have ever been to Florence or Capri, send ideas and tips my way! 🙂

Five.Potato, Sausage, and Leek Soup--Recipe at: stephanie-spring.comI love my Potato, Sausage and Leek Soup! I also am a huge fan of cooking it in this!

Six.Last but not least, I’m a little obsessed with this water bottle. It will have you drinking more water in no time, which is always a good thing!

Happy Friday!

Friday Favorites + Homemade Croutons

We made it to Friday only because I’ve been drinking A LOT of this lately. 😉


Banana Republic earrings are a favorite and something I went shopping for this week.

Two.On Monday it was extremely cold all day so we had my Easy Tomato Soup for dinner. Except this time, I made some homemade croutons to pair with it. I debated about sharing this because it’s nothing fancy or mind-blowing. But I will tell you, it added just the perfect amount of crunch and topping to an already tasty soup.Homemade Croutons--Recipe at: Homemade Croutons--Recipe at:

Homemade Croutons


  • One baguette
  • EVOO (enough to coat the bottom of a pan)

What to do: 

In a large pan, lightly coat the bottom with EVOO on medium to medium-low heat. Cut the baguette into one inch pieces. Stir occasionally to avoid burning. Remove from heat and place desired amount on top of soup! 🙂

Three.On Wednesday, I mentioned how one of my New Years Goals is for some, “me” time and I want books as a part of that time. I need some recommendations though! I’ve talked about some of my favorite books here and here. I also mentioned a modge-podge here. Leave a comment and fill me in on your favorites! 🙂


Did someone say three day weekend? Thank you, Martin Luther King Jr. 🙂


You can find the winner of the $25 gift card to JORD watches, here!

Happy Friday everyone! I hope your weekend is relaxing and cozy!

New Years Goals

A goal that will last an entire year is not completely my style. I prefer goal-setting in small increments of time to feel the progress and success. However, this year a few ideas kept coming to the front of my mind again and again. If anything, they were more of God’s way of perhaps nudging me to focus a little more attention on these areas than I have in the past. That my friends, I just can’t ignore. My goals are more of a prayer that I hope to be more intentional about in 2017.

Time: “Yesterday is gone. Tomorrow has not yet come. We have only today. Let us begin.”  -Mother Theresa
At times I get so defeated because I have been working for hours and still feel like I haven’t accomplished anything. My goal is to start, stay focused, and finish the task at hand. I love checking things off a list. Using my time to start and finish one thing is a lot more rewarding than starting three things and finishing none. 😉

Down time: Whether it’s reading, sipping coffee, or creating, I need some more down time. Intentional relaxation to regroup and count the blessings around me one at a time. 🙂

Food: We ate a ton of real food in 2016. It wasn’t deliberate, we just kind of fell in love with it. But, post-holidays have me going through a sugar withdraw. 😉 Eating more real food is without-a-doubt on the list and a prayer of mine and something I hope to continue to share with you.

So in 2017 I hope my time is full of purpose and meaning, my inspiration from the world around me is at an all-time high, and all the sensations foods bring will remind me of the goodness and memories close to me.

Here we go,!


Friday Favorites

First week back after the holidays: Done!

Riding the Friday wave into the weekend never felt so sweet. 🙂 Happy Friday everyone!


The fact that I was able to sit down, drink my coffee, and just read on Monday morning was perfect before it was back to a routine.

I know I already expressed how much I loathe taking my make-up off at night. Well, this week I tried something a little different. Nothing like experimenting on my face, right? Ha! I used Aquaphor to remove my eye make-up, followed by my face cleanser. Then, I used diluted apple cider vinegar (half water, half apple cider vinegar) on one of these to get off the excess grime. The apple cider vinegar balances out your pH. I still use my Mia, just not on a daily basis. It has worked great and my face has been extremely clean and smooth all week! 🙂

My Bacon Chocolate Chip Pancakes!

Sometimes you just have to break out the shaving cream for math class. (Especially when they are calling for snow the next day and it’s the first week back from a long break)!


Remember how excited I got over Eric’s new watch? Well, THREE lucky winners will receive a $25 gift card to purchase a watch for yourself or a friend! Just enter below. The winner will be announced next Friday. Good luck! xo

a Rafflecopter giveaway

I’m linking up with Erika, NarciAndrea, Tif, April, and Karli!