Slow Mornings + Spicy Crustless Quiche

I’ve said it once, I’ll say it again: I love a slow morning. Are they fewer these days? Yes. But, I still think that a good breakfast is key. Even if you don’t agree, this recipe can be for breakfast, lunch, or dinner for the entire family. A crustless quiche removes a lot of the unwanted calories and unknown ingredients for me. I love the simplicity of it all but how each flavor is a star in the show. The combination of spices, spinach, and creamy feta is a winner in my book! Add some flowers to the table, pour yourself a cup of coffee, and savor each bite! You’ll start loving mornings too! xo 


  • 6 eggs
  • 1/2 red onion, chopped
  • 1/4 cup chopped spinach
  • 1/4 cup whole milk
  • 1/4 tsp crushed red pepper flakes
  • 1/4 tsp smoked paprika
  • S & P to taste
  • about 1/3 cup crumbled feta for topping
  • top with Sriracha

What to do:

Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Grease a pie pan (I used butter) and set aside. In a medium-sized bowl, whisk eggs. Add milk and lightly whisk again. Add remaining ingredients (except feta!) and gently whisk until spices are mixed throughout. (Only a few whisks are needed). Pour mixture into the pie pan and evenly top with feta. Bake for 25-30 minutes.


Thoughts About Our Little One

I’ve drafted this post more times than I can count. I’ve deleted sentences, added them, and replaced them, but still ended with a blank screen each time. But then I realized, if I really want to document this pregnancy, my first pregnancy, there were definitely some things I wanted to remember.I want to remember how just a short month or two ago a little kick or punch meant the world and now it doesn’t even compare to the little fish swimming inside of me non-stop. The feeling is incredible and something I never want to forget. I want to remember how feeling and seeing her move around has been my favorite part of pregnancy. I want to remember how the first trimester and the beginning of the second felt like it drug on and how quickly time is passing during the second half of carrying her.

Coffee has been my only aversion but lattes and iced coffee are fine? Avocado toast, breakfast foods, and sushi have been some of my favorite go-to’s. Back pain has been on and off and the only source of discomfort. I’ll take it! Going to the gym has been one of the best things I’ve done during the second and third trimester. Although running is just flat out funny.

I still remember and laugh how certain Eric and I were that we were having a boy, only to find out we’re in fact expecting a girl. The feeling was so strong it took a few weeks for me to wrap my head around the fact that we are having a little girl. Now, I can’t picture this not being the case. I want to remember how Eric and I pray for this little life and all that is in store for her each night. We love keeping her name a secret but also can’t wait to share it. I love how when Eric comes home from work, she starts moving in my stomach, even after being completely still prior to hearing his voice. It’s the cutest.I want to remember how grateful I am and how thankfulness doesn’t even begin to describe this feeling. I already know I will miss parts of this stage. At the same time, I can’t wait for May to arrive and to see her little face! Here’s to the next few months of growing this cutie!

Friday Favorites

One.You know I’m already a fan of all things from the Magnolia line. (Hence, the chair we bought months ago and still LOVE!) When I came home to an unexpected package last week from my Mother-in-law it included so many thoughtful goodies, including this Magnolia Journal. It’s all about intentional living and could not be more timely.

Two.If you need to ditch the Girl Scout cookies OR need a fun St. Patrick’s Day drink, you can go here! I also linked two of my favorite Vital Proteins for you!


If you use Vital Proteins, what other kinds should I try?!


In hopes that Spring is just around the corner, I thought I’d start stocking up on some fun Spring colors. When Emily asked me if I wanted to try some LipSense, I was all for it and picked out Beige Champagne. (How fun is that name?!) I’ve heard great things about LipSense but really wanted to try it out for myself. I wore it to dinner and by the end of the night…it was still on. It honestly lasts SO long, which is amazing! I paired the color with the moisturizing gloss and loved it! You can see more colors and follow Emily here and be sure to follow her link to Facebook! She is the sweetest!


Snow day: check! Conferences: check! Sleeping in: check! 😉

Five.These two are my best friends. One lives ten minutes away. One lives across the pond in Germany. But today, we’re spending the day together eating, catching up on life, and all the essential shows we haven’t been able to watch together. ha! Seriously, I have the best friends a girl could ask for.

Also, if you want to see a bump update, some pictures from a mini vacation that Eric and I took (and where we stayed), plus, one of my favorite quotes, go here and take a look at some of my most recent posts! Happy Friday everyone!


Thin Mint Smoothie

Thin Mint Smoothie--Recipe at: stephanie-spring.comI’m not a huge St. Patty’s Day girl but one thing I can get on board with is all the mint recipes that seem to float around during this time of year. In hopes of not munching on a zillion Thin Mint Girl Scout Cookies, I created this smoothie to help with the craving. Friends, it exceeded my expectations. The ingredients are 10 times (okay, maybe a million times) healthier than Thin Mint Cookies and filled to the brim of the glass with health benefits. Between the antioxidants in the cocoa powder to the collagen in the Vital Proteins, it’s a winner! See for yourself!Thin Mint Smoothie--Recipe at: stephanie-spring.comThin Mint Smoothie--Recipe at: Thin Mint Smoothie--Recipe at: Thin Mint Smoothie--Recipe at: stephanie-spring.comThin Mint Smoothie--Recipe at:


What to do:

Combine all ingredients into a blender and thoroughly blend until smooth. Serve and top with fresh mint!

*Thank you to Vital Proteins for making the best products and sponsoring this post!*

Friday Favorites

This week was the best! Busy, but the best! 🙂


I’ve recently revamped my hot cocoa recipe to make it much healthier. Don’t get me wrong, a sweet drink is fun once and awhile but I can’t do it all the time.


  • 1 cup coconut milk (or any nut milk of preference)
  • 1 Tbsp of cocoa powder
  • Splash of syrup to taste

What to do:

Yes, it’s really this easy. Heat milk in a saucepan over medium-low heat (or in the microwave) until hot. Add cocoa powder and syrup. Mix. Froth.

Two.Apparently last Friday was National Banana Bread Day. I completely missed the memo until later in the day. Since it’s a favorite (or if you’re just looking for something to bake this weekend) here you go! Find the recipe, here!

Three.Eric and I snuck away for a little vacation and fell in love with our Airbnb! You can check it out here! It was GORGEOUS and such a fun location!

Four.Last weekend we made Bone Broth. We used Dr. Axe’s Beef Bone Broth recipe and it was delicious! It contains a ton of minerals, supports the immune system, and helps with gut health. Plus, it has collagen which is great all the time but especially during pregnancy. 🙂


REPORT CARDS ARE DONE and it’s almost the weekend! Happy Friday!