Couples that read together, stay together.

5-love-languages411Ircmg2tL._SX322_BO1,204,203,200_81XdhkunqrL._SL1500_When Eric and I started dating, we really wanted to make Christ the center of our relationship. We thought one of the best ways to do that would be to read a faith based book. We read the five love languages first and learned SO much about each other in a very short time.This was by far one of the best things we’ve done. Shortly after, we decided to read a book together called, “The Will of God as a Way of Life.”  Not only could we see into each other’s hearts but it also brought out a side of us where we were forced to dig deeper. Since we only saw each other on the weekends, we would read a chapter or two during the week and then talk about it when we were face to face. We’ve done this a few times, even since being married and I highly recommend it. You’ll be surprised by the conversations that come out of reading together as it allows you to grow closer. Couples that read together, stay together.

Happy reading!

Peppermint Bark

Easy Peppermint Bark Recipe at: stephanie-spring.comEasy Peppermint Bark

Peppermint is my love language. Peppermint bark is an entirely different ball game. A ball game I actually like. There is something about it. I don’t know if it’s the peppermint smell, how nice it looks on a plate, or how it can be perfectly used as an appetizer ;), dessert, or snack. I love how easy it is to make and how it can be wrapped up and used as the sweetest gift. I love all things chocolate and peppermint and this time of year it makes things even more merry and bright!

Easy Peppermint Bark Recipe at:


  • 2 60% Cacao Ghirardelli chocolate premium baking bars
  • 2 Ghirardelli White chocolate premium baking bars
  • 1 bag mini candy canes or 1 bag of Andes Peppermint Crunch baking chips

What do to:

Line a baking sheet with parchment paper. In a small sauce pan melt the dark chocolate on a low heat, making sure not to burn the chocolate. Stir chocolate to make sure there aren’t any unmelted pieces. Pour onto the parchment paper and spread evenly. Place the baking sheet in the freezer for 25 minutes or until completely hard. Meanwhile, crush up candy canes into bits and pieces. I love the fresh peppermint flavor but for a time saver you can use, Andes Peppermint Crunch baking chips as a substitute.

Take the baking sheet out of the freezer and prepare the white chocolate the same way you prepared the dark chocolate in a small sauce pan. Once all of the white chocolate is melted, you can mix in the crushed up candy canes or wait to sprinkle them on top. Spread the white chocolate and candy cane mixture over the frozen chocolate. Spread evenly. Avoid overspreading the white chocolate. It may cause the dark chocolate to melt and show through the white chocolate. Place in the freezer for 25 minutes or until completely hard.

Remove the bark from the freezer and break apart into desired size pieces.

Eat. Nap. Repeat. 😉



About a year ago our church sent out an e-mail. It was information regarding about a new small group series for women called Lineage of Love (LOL). I was in my first full year of teaching, living two hours from Eric, planning a wedding, and felt in over my head in so many different ways. So in the midst of a million things going on, naturally, I signed up for one more…and I am so glad I did.

Our church heavily encourages small groups. Small groups are the time where you can do life with people, live out your faith, and invite people into your home and grow closer. I totally get small groups now.


unknownThis study will open your heart, soul and mind in ways you did not expect, and most importantly enrich your relationship with God. The beautiful woman pictured above, Heather Zeamer poured her heart and soul into writing this series. The year long study will stretch you and make you evaluate your relationship with God and others. You cannot go wrong here. I promise. Clear your schedule for just one evening a month to find safe places to heal and grow, discover your purpose, and grow in your relationship with Jesus.




If you have questions about the study check out the LOL website or e-mail me directly with questions!

Check out the website:

Homemade Granola

Homemade Granola--Recipe at: Homemade Granola--Recipe at: Homemade Granola--Recipe at: stephanie-spring.comRight as I got into soup, sweaters, and socks… it hits almost 80 degrees. It’s November and in our neck of the woods that is not exactly common. But for a girl who dreams of 90 degree days, pools, and sunshine… this is the life. One day I crave a salad and the next I want to cuddle up next to a fire and eat soup. I needed to find a happy medium food that would settle all this moody weather… and let me tell you, I think I may have hit the jackpot. I am completely guilty of eating this almost all day long with no shame. My logic is if I have it with milk for breakfast, then with yogurt for lunch, and then graze on it by the handful all by itself an hour later, then it is acceptable. Wishful thinking? It’s addictive in the best way possible. The great this is…it’s a guilty pleasure you don’t have to feel guilty about.

Homemade Granola--Recipe at:


  • 1/2 cup shredded coconut
  • 3 cups rolled oats
  • 3/4 cup ground flax
  • 3/4 cup slivered almonds
  • 1 cup walnuts
  • 1 5 o.z package crasins or raisins
  • 1 1/2 cup natural, raw honey
  • 3/4 cup coconut oil
  • 1 1/2 tbsp cinnamon

What to do:

Preheat oven to 325 degrees. Mix all dry ingredients together in a large bowl. Bring honey, coconut oil, and cinnamon to a boil in a small saucepan and remove from heat. Immediately, pour the wet mixture over the dry ingredients and mix thoroughly. Spread mixture on a greased baking sheet. (I lightly rubbed the baking sheet with butter). You can also use parchment paper for a much easier clean up! Bake in oven for about 30 minutes. Stir every five minutes so the bottom doesn’t burn.


Shhh… I’m Listening

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When a person is talking, we catch ourselves (or maybe we aren’t even aware), from time to time, thinking of what we are going to say next. We might be thinking how we can respond, relate, pick apart, or advise this person on whatever the subject is they may be talking about.


But lately, I’ve tried something new.


…by really and truly blocking my mind from thinking of a million other things–or even why this person is telling me such a story and just take time to listen.

…by repeating and trying to understand what the person is really trying to tell me and why they are telling me.

…really listening to my family, friends, students, and people I encounter on a daily basis.

I find myself falling back into the pattern of thinking of a million other things when someone is talking to me.  I have to stop and remind myself that practice forms habits. And habits help make you who you are. For the better or worse.

These days, I’m trying to make it for the better, and I think listening might just be the place to start.