Friday Favorites

Friday Favorites 01

I love you, Friday and I’m so glad you’re here. 🙂 As always, I’m teaming up with Erika, Narci, and Andrea for our Friday Favorites!

One. stephanie-spring.comOn Monday I talked about one ofmy very favorite snacks. You can find the recipe, here!

Two. stephanie-spring.comI was never a girl who loved flowers or expected them. But lately, I feel like they have become a favorite. They make or break decor at times and these purple tulips were no exception. 🙂


I’m doing a Follow Friday with a few of my favorite ladies on Instagram. Go here to see their pretty faces! 🙂


I’m doing a 30-Day Prayer Challenge through one of my favorite bloggers, Dashing Dish. Click here to find out more!


We have nothing planned tomorrow! WHAT?! I know! I’m so excited! 

Have a relaxing Friday friends! 🙂