


About a year ago our church sent out an e-mail. It was information regarding about a new small group series for women called Lineage of Love (LOL). I was in my first full year of teaching, living two hours from Eric, planning a wedding, and felt in over my head in so many different ways. So in the midst of a million things going on, naturally, I signed up for one more…and I am so glad I did.

Our church heavily encourages small groups. Small groups are the time where you can do life with people, live out your faith, and invite people into your home and grow closer. I totally get small groups now.


unknownThis study will open your heart, soul and mind in ways you did not expect, and most importantly enrich your relationship with God. The beautiful woman pictured above, Heather Zeamer poured her heart and soul into writing this series. The year long study will stretch you and make you evaluate your relationship with God and others. You cannot go wrong here. I promise. Clear your schedule for just one evening a month to find safe places to heal and grow, discover your purpose, and grow in your relationship with Jesus.




If you have questions about the study check out the LOL website or e-mail me directly with questions!

Check out the website:

Shhh… I’m Listening

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When a person is talking, we catch ourselves (or maybe we aren’t even aware), from time to time, thinking of what we are going to say next. We might be thinking how we can respond, relate, pick apart, or advise this person on whatever the subject is they may be talking about.


But lately, I’ve tried something new.


…by really and truly blocking my mind from thinking of a million other things–or even why this person is telling me such a story and just take time to listen.

…by repeating and trying to understand what the person is really trying to tell me and why they are telling me.

…really listening to my family, friends, students, and people I encounter on a daily basis.

I find myself falling back into the pattern of thinking of a million other things when someone is talking to me.  I have to stop and remind myself that practice forms habits. And habits help make you who you are. For the better or worse.

These days, I’m trying to make it for the better, and I think listening might just be the place to start.

If you and I were to have coffee: Part 1


Now that we established that…

If you and I were to have coffee…

I’d tell you to add some pumpkin spice creamer in it. It’s fall and it’s almost a sin if you don’t taste pumpkin in one way or another. 😉

If you and I were to have coffee…

I’d tell you to pick up your phone and call your Grandparents. It may be slightly awkward, it may be something you don’t do often, and it may be something that is a weekly to-do. Either way they will love it.

If you and I were to have coffee…

I’d express my love for this little space and how special the connections I’ve made have been already.


If you and I were to have coffee…

I’d tell you to without a doubt, go to J Crew get this winter coat, here.

If you and I were to have coffee…

I’d say to sneak in one Christmas song on your ride to work. It will put an extra hop in your step.

If you and I were to have coffee…

I’d reminisce about Greece and Italy and how the travel bug has bitten me HARD.

If you and I were to have coffee…

I’d talk about how I miss watching Oprah and when i was younger I was convinced I would somehow make it onto at least one of her giveaways. 

If you and I were to have coffee…

We’d talk about family, friendships, and marriage and the beauty of it all. How much hard work goes into all of it but how absolutely beautiful it really is. 

If you and I were to have coffee…

I’d ask you what matters most to you in life and where do you see yourself in five years? After all, time flies when you’re having fun. 😉 



March of 2011, I left for a life-changing study abroad trip to Greece. There were a total of seven girls in my apartment and we decided to pull names to determine who we were going to room with. I was beyond blessed to room with a girl who actually went to the same college as me, but I hadn’t known. I could, and will write an entire post(s) dedicated to everything I have learned, recommend, and pictures of living in Greece but friends… this lovely girl, Mace introduced me to a book that has changed my life.

Ladies! If there is one book that I talk about non-stop, re-read over and over again, and that has gotten me through some very low times, it would be this one. This author, this book, this gem.

“The idea of bittersweet is changing the way I live, unraveling and re-weaving the way I understand life. Bittersweet is the idea that in all things there is both something broken and something beautiful, that there is a moment of lightness on even the darkest of nights, a shadow of hope in every heartbreak, and that rejoicing is no less rich even when it contains a splinter of sadness. ‘It’s the practice of believing that we really do need both the bitter and the sweet, and that a life of nothing but sweetness rots both your teeth and your soul. Bitter is what makes us strong, what forces us to push through, what helps us earn the lines on our faces and the calluses on our hands. Sweet is nice enough, but bittersweet is beautiful, nuanced, full of depth and complexity. Bittersweet is courageous, gutsy, audacious, earthy.”


It’s one of those books that just got me, and I can guarantee as a woman, it will “get” you on at least one level. If God decides to bless us with children one day, more specifically a girl, I will be introducing this book to her early on. Shauna Niequist is a brilliant author who reached my heart and soul through thoughts of change, grace, and learning the hard way. She is an inspiration to all women with her vulnerability and honesty, not to mention her wonderful recipes. I have already gifted this book to multiple women of all ages and different stages of life. Go buy this book today for yourself and a friend. Read it. Get coffee. Talk about it. You will not be disappointed.

Buy it here.


What are some of your go-to books?

Fall Favorites

We are officially four days into fall! I’m trying to soak up as much time outside as possible before we are cooped up for the winter. I love fall but let’s be honest, in Pennsylvania, some days are really cold and other’s are pretty warm. These favorites can be mixed and matched with other layers for warm afternoons and cool evenings.

30519_MF3112Favorite flannel

This material is warm, soft, and perfect for layering! There are so many versions of “flannel” out there but this one hits the nail on the head. I love it.

   imageService            Favorite sweater

Liv Pope anyone? I am secretly (and now not so secretly) obsessed with Scandal.

I am always commenting about Liv’s outfits and how much I love them.

B2506_OR6089Favorite coat

THIS COLOR! It is amazing! It always helps to add a splash of color knowing that I’m going to be wearing this coat almost every day during the cold months.


Favorite boots

Cute, comfortable, dressy, and casual. You really can’t go wrong.


Favorite handbag

Last year, I got a handbag similar to this one. I saw this last night in the store and decided it is definitely a fall favorite! I love the size, shape, and durability of it. It’s simple and fashionable. Aldo never disappoints with handbags.

And… This.
Multiple people asked me if this was the same bag I bought last year. Yes. Taylor Swift and I like the same bags. I’m not exactly sure how I feel about that but I like the bag. So it’s a win for me!

 Happy Saturday everyone!