Friday Favorites

Friday Favorites

Friday Favorites 01

I’m linking up with some of my favorites ladies, Erika, Narci, and Andrea for our Friday Favorites!

One.I started to revamp a lot of my skin care products. I’ve been searching for products without sulfates, GMO’s, etc. I talked about how I love First Aid’s Face Moisturizer, here and decided to try their face cleanser. BEST DECISION EVER! I’m in love and their products are now my favorites.


This book. I talked about how it is a favorite, here!

Three.Compassion International

Earlier this week I got a snail mail from my sponsor child in Peru. Enclosed with the letter was a precious picture of Elki with a track suit and shoes that he bought with the Christmas money I sent him. It was a favorite of my week. 🙂


 It has been close to almost 80 degrees all week…and it’s only March! We have taken walks, played tennis, drove with the windows down…warmer weather has always been a favorite.

Five. stephanie-spring.comPlanning and checking things off a list is a favorite of mine. At school, I have all of our PSSA review ready to go, report cards are done, and I started prepping some things from next year. Check, check, check. Favorite! 🙂

If you’re new to my blog, follow me here for everyday updates!

Happy, happy, Friday everyone!

4 fridays

Friday Favorites

Friday Favorites 01

We made it to Friday! As always, I’m linking up with Erika, Narci, and Andrea.

One.stephanie-spring.comOn Sunday we had a surprise baby shower for Sheri. I loved celebrating Baby Long! 🙂

Two.stephanie-spring.comEric, Gilmore Girls, and little bit of Talenti was a successful and favorite Saturday night.

Three.1200.2x1Getting together with a group of friends to watch hometowns this week was obviously a favorite.

Four.41wSnt4wywLLara bars are one of my favorite snacks and I think I decided lemon is officially my favorite kind. Amen.

Five.stephanie-spring.comOur flights are officially booked and we are going to Colorado! How could this not be a favorite?!?! Eric has always wanted to go, and after living there for a summer, I am so excited to show him places I’ve been and explore new ones with him. It is absolutely beautiful and we are so ready for a vacation!

Happy Friday, ladies!

4 fridays

Friday Favorites

Friday Favorites 01

It’s Friday which means I’m linking up with these lovely ladies, Erika, Narci, and Andrea for our Friday Favorites!

One.I love the Today Show. As in, I’m kind of obsessed with it. We didn’t have school on Monday for President’s Day, had a delay on Tuesday, and I had a math conference that was close by our house on Thursday. That being said…I got to watch the Today Show three times this week! That my friends, is a favorite of the week!

On Wednesday, I came home to find this note at the top of the steps and bottle of wine after an already extremely busy week. I love him.


Ladies! Jessica N Designs recently moved into a new office which means she has more room to customize even more gifts just for you! Best of all, she is incredibly sweet and wants to extend my 15% off discount code to all of you until the end of February! Now is the time to stock up and show her some love! 🙂 You can find my favorites, here.

Code: stephspring15


Our sweet friends had a baby a few weeks ago. Yesterday, I got to see baby Micah and his amazing parents for the first time! BUT as I was oohing and ahhing over how precious he was, I forgot to take a picture! Trust me, he is adorable and it was one of my favorite parts to this week! 🙂

Five.stephanie-spring.comOne of my favorite snacks is energy bites. I came up with my own recipe months ago and they will be gracing the blog so soon! I made them on Monday and have been snacking on them all week long!

Enjoy your Friday, ladies! xo

4 fridays