
Energy Bites

Energy Bites Recipe at: Stephanie-spring.comEnergy Bites Recipe at: Stephanie-spring.comThere are so many recipes out there with hundreds of combinations of ingredients for energy bites. I’d be lying if I said I was determined to create my own recipe. The reality is, I was hungry one night, made a concoction and realized that what I made held together so much better than the original recipe I used. Better yet, (more…)

Giddy Over Gadgets

Kitchen Gadgets @ stephanie-spring.comI don’t get super excited over technology. I don’t need the biggest T.V. or the nicest iPhone to jump for joy. But put a kitchen gadget in front of me and I get giddy. As in,ย one of my first thoughts when I wake up is how excited I am to use the juicer or how many possible recipes I can create with the spiralizer. Kitchen gadgets make me giddy. We may still be without curtains in a room or two but our kitchen is stocked. ๐Ÿ™‚ Priorities, people. I love these gadgets (more…)