30 Day Prayer Challenge

stephanie-spring.comI’ve found that some days, weeks, or months I get in a rut with devotions. As much as I love consistency, I crave variety when it comes to devotions and I always want to be craving God’s word.

I’ve followed Dashing Dish for about two years and love her mission, advice, and recipes. When I was on her website the other day, I came across the 30 Day Prayer Challenge. I felt like this in itself was an answer to prayer since I had been praying for a more direct focus on what to read in the Bible. I read about the challenge and thought this would be a perfect fit. I opened up the calendar and was sad to see that I missed the first two weeks of the challenge. Eric encouraged me to start that day (Sunday) and continue each day and then loop back around. He’s so smart. 😉 I would love for you to join me on this journey to see what God can do in your life through prayer and the scriptures provided. Leave a comment below or e-mail me if you would like to join and we can chat! 🙂

Energy Bites

Energy Bites Recipe at: Stephanie-spring.comEnergy Bites Recipe at: Stephanie-spring.comThere are so many recipes out there with hundreds of combinations of ingredients for energy bites. I’d be lying if I said I was determined to create my own recipe. The reality is, I was hungry one night, made a concoction and realized that what I made held together so much better than the original recipe I used. Better yet, (more…)

Friday Favorites

Friday Favorites 01

I’m linking up with some of my favorites ladies, Erika, Narci, and Andrea for our Friday Favorites!

One.I started to revamp a lot of my skin care products. I’ve been searching for products without sulfates, GMO’s, etc. I talked about how I love First Aid’s Face Moisturizerhere and decided to try their face cleanser. BEST DECISION EVER! I’m in love and their products are now my favorites.


This book. I talked about how it is a favorite, here!

Three.Compassion International stephanie-spring.com

Earlier this week I got a snail mail from my sponsor child in Peru. Enclosed with the letter was a precious picture of Elki with a track suit and shoes that he bought with the Christmas money I sent him. It was a favorite of my week. 🙂


 It has been close to almost 80 degrees all week…and it’s only March! We have taken walks, played tennis, drove with the windows down…warmer weather has always been a favorite.

Five. stephanie-spring.comPlanning and checking things off a list is a favorite of mine. At school, I have all of our PSSA review ready to go, report cards are done, and I started prepping some things from next year. Check, check, check. Favorite! 🙂

If you’re new to my blog, follow me here for everyday updates!

Happy, happy, Friday everyone!

4 fridays


Life has felt unusually busy lately. To be honest, it has been a lot busier than I like. I feel like I have been on the verge of tears and the to-do list has gotten longer and longer. Our schedule has been filling up with great things but it’s definitely full! As I sat down to read this book, I could not get over how perfect the timing was for this season of life. Lysa Terkeurst’s book Unglued, “focuses on making wise choices in the midst of raw emotions.” This book wouldn’t have meant half as much or been nearly as relevant when my schedule was free and easy. It’s when the rubber hits the road, when the list of things to do drags you down, and when life feels overwhelming that your ability to make wise choices is really tested. Lately, I have felt like I keep becoming unglued. However, after reading this book (more…)

Show and Tell Tuesday: Hometowns

Show and Tell - IG GraphicIt’s Show and Tell Tuesday and I’m talking all about my hometown of where I grew up! vfiles32631I grew up in a very, very, small rural town in Pennsylvania. There is a TON of farmland, endless back roads, and Amish in the mix. I grew up in the first house my parents built, in 1980 and still live in. There are only two main grocery stores, several churches, and so many cows.solancofairsolanco_fair_tractors_09-19-14

There is a fair that is held every year in my hometown. Three days in September of pure joy. I haven’t missed a year since I was a baby and don’t exactly intend to! 🙂 My Grandma used to be the head of the kitchen committee, but after she passed away, my Mom took over. There is a parade (more…)