
Life has felt unusually busy lately. To be honest, it has been a lot busier than I like. I feel like I have been on the verge of tears and the to-do list has gotten longer and longer. Our schedule has been filling up with great things but it’s definitely full! As I sat down to read this book, I could not get over how perfect the timing was for this season of life. Lysa Terkeurst’s book Unglued, “focuses on making wise choices in the midst of raw emotions.” This book wouldn’t have meant half as much or been nearly as relevant when my schedule was free and easy. It’s when the rubber hits the road, when the list of things to do drags you down, and when life feels overwhelming that your ability to make wise choices is really tested. Lately, I have felt like I keep becoming unglued. However, after reading this book I was reassured that God created us with emotions for a reason.

This book provides resolutions to conflict, finding peace in difficult relationships, how to improve your communication, and gain a sense of calm by learning how to respond to situations our of your control. I love Lysa Terkeaurst. I love her values, books, and honesty throughout it all. This book was no exception and made me realize how God gave us emotions to experience life, not destroy it!


Buy it, here.