Show and Tell Tuesday: Hometowns

Show and Tell - IG GraphicIt’s Show and Tell Tuesday and I’m talking all about my hometown of where I grew up! vfiles32631I grew up in a very, very, small rural town in Pennsylvania. There is a TON of farmland, endless back roads, and Amish in the mix. I grew up in the first house my parents built, in 1980 and still live in. There are only two main grocery stores, several churches, and so many cows.solancofairsolanco_fair_tractors_09-19-14

There is a fair that is held every year in my hometown. Three days in September of pure joy. I haven’t missed a year since I was a baby and don’t exactly intend to! 🙂 My Grandma used to be the head of the kitchen committee, but after she passed away, my Mom took over. There is a parade on Wednesday that people will put chairs and blankets out for days in advance to reserve their spot. Streets are blocked off, there are too many tractors to count and floats that go on for miles. They have killer barbecue, mouth-watering funnel cakes, and amazing milkshakes! The food in itself will make you want to visit. There is a baby parade, steer show, crowds of people and so much more. I remember bringing friends from college, and eventually Eric and trying to describe it before we went. I struggled to find the words of a place that holds so many memories. I wouldn’t trade that for anything. 🙂

imgres-1Our school mascot was the brunt of all jokes. A golden mule? Really? Yes. Feel free to insert every joke possible, I’ve probably heard it and cringe every time.

My hometown in Pennsylvania will always be home. I spent 18 years of my life in this town. I went to elementary, middle, and high school there. I learned to swim at the local pool and drive for the first time around town. I have memories of homecoming and prom in this town, and every sporting event possible. I may not live there now, but when I think of my hometown, a big part of my heart will always turn right to that small town in PA. 🙂