Opa! Part: 3

stephanie-spring.com stephanie-spring.com stephanie-spring.com stephanie-spring.com stephanie-spring.com stephanie-spring.com stephanie-spring.com stephanie-spring.com stephanie-spring.com stephanie-spring.com I remember waking up bright and early, eating breakfast and making myself some cappuccino before we ventured out on another group trip. It was raining and I was dreading a bus trip this early in the morning. We were headed to Delphi, a place I knew nothing about. We laughed at our lack of getting ready because we were so comfortable with each other (and tired) at this point. We laughed at our love/hate relationships with our mandatory trips. We were seeing so much of Greece, but at the age of 21, a history lesson so early was a little much. 😉

However, after getting on the bus I realized something. We all had our “people” we would sit near and we knew who would gravitate towards the front or back of the bus. Jordan would find any empty seat and take out his video camera to capture it all. Brittany would want a seat to herself to she could sleep comfortably. I loved the window seat and listened to the same 20 songs over and over. Mike would stay awake the entire time because he didn’t want to miss a beat. Josh would crack a joke that we would all laugh at and then quiet down into our spots. At this point, we had been together so much and we had a rhythm going. We were starting to feel like family. We were so comfortable with each other and I loved that.

Through the rain and information overload, we were pleasantly surprised at how beautiful of a place Delphi was! Delphi is a town on Mount Parnassus in the south of mainland Greece. Aside from the Acropolis, Delphi is the second most popular archeological site. This was the place where, “heaven met earth” and people felt the closest to God.

The architecture and landscape of Delphi were gorgeous but experiencing such a sacred place was beautiful in itself. After a long night’s sleep we woke up to the sun shining and Delphi awaiting us to explore even more of what it had to offer. 🙂 stephanie-spring.com stephanie-spring.com stephanie-spring.com stephanie-spring.com stephanie-spring.com stephanie-spring.com stephanie-spring.com stephanie-spring.com stephanie-spring.com stephanie-spring.com stephanie-spring.com stephanie-spring.com stephanie-spring.com stephanie-spring.com stephanie-spring.com stephanie-spring.com stephanie-spring.com stephanie-spring.com stephanie-spring.com stephanie-spring.com stephanie-spring.com