November 2018
Somehow it already feels like Thanksgiving was forever ago and it should already be December. Either way, the time between Thanksgiving and Christmas might possibly be my favorite time of year. I’m soaking it all up and reliving our November with you. 🙂
What we’re eating this week:My Grain Free Granola for breakfasts and snacks and then…
…we had my Sausage, Potato, and Leek Soup for dinner!
What I’m reminiscing about:Almost exactly a year ago we announced some big news! 😉
What we’ve been up to:And now a year later, she was dedicated at church. Life is so crazy and amazing!
What I’m dreading:
What I’m working on:
A meal plan for you! I can’t say exactly when it’s coming but it is! 🙂
What I’m excited about:
One of my co-workers got the book The Pout-Pout Fish for Capri. Eric and I always quote it because it’s just one of those cute books that get stuck in your head. Fast forward to trying to stock up on some holiday books to have out for Capri (I know she’s so little but it will be fun in the years to come) and as I was shopping I randomly spotted The Not Very Merry Pout-Pout Fish
! I had no idea this book even existed!
What I’m watching/reading:
Home Alone 2! It beats the first Home Alone
every time!
This month I finished up a women’s bible study where we read (and watched) Discerning the Voice of God by Priscilla Shirer. I’ll keep it short and sweet by saying this study is life-changing is so powerful!
What I’m listening to:
Still this. All day long.
What I’m doing this weekend:
Getting together with friends, family, and doing holiday things. 🙂
What I’m looking forward to next month:
A giveaway is happening on Monday! Be sure to check back.
Hint: A lot of you had said you would want something from this place. 😉
What else is new:
I’m slowly but surely moving my recipes here so be sure to follow along. I also got Facebook back if you want to follow along there too!
Follow me on Bloglovin and Pinterest also!
2018 in review: