Long Time Coming
I know that’s not like me to go this long without posting. But I have a good reason. I’ve had a post swirling in my mind that I kept going back and forth with whether to share it or not. With a lot of self-reflection and prayers I decided I had to because when an interest becomes a passion, you can’t keep it to yourself.It’s no secret that my blog has slowly but surely become mainly about food. I love cooking, baking, and sharing tips and recipes with readers. Being in the kitchen is good for my soul and I love it. However, it hasn’t always been the easiest road figuring out what works for my body and how to maintain that.
I want to preface this (if I haven’t already before) with that I’m not an expert in nutrition, medicine, or anything along those lines. But over time I have been forced to dig a little deeper into the world of health because of a journey I was, and continue to be on. That being said, I have definitely learned a lot over the years. And after all, isn’t experience the best teacher?
Let’s rewind to over 10 years ago when a lot of changes were happening and my stress levels were through the roof. Because of this, my body wasn’t sure how to react and I had a lot of negative side effects. It was scary, new, and at times flat-out debilitating as to what was ahead. What I could eat seemed like a very short list next to the things I couldn’t eat. Some days I felt like I could muster up the energy to conquer and heal my body and other days I felt like this area of life that I enjoyed so much, would never be normal again.But as time went on, I researched my heart out about food, working out, and lifestyle changes in an attempt to try and heal my body from the inside out. Over time, I introduced new food groups back into my lifestyle without negative results like I had previously experienced. I felt like I was emerging from the season of life I was just in and eating somewhat, “normal” again.
I got so excited to have a new appetite that it was almost an indulgence of sorts. Then after some time, I realized I wanted to change the things I could control because it was now my choice and not something my body was restricting me to do. I started working out almost seven days a week. This fluctuated over the next three years because of life’s demands, all while trying to figure out what my relationship with food was.
I went through seasons where people often told me I was too skinny and they were concerned I had an eating disorder but if I gained five pounds they were also the very first to notice. Funny how that works, right? For the last five years my main goal was to be healthy from the inside out. Really and truly healthy. (Physically, mentally, spiritually). This included lowering stress levels in ways that worked for me, getting up and moving when I know I needed to, and knowing my boundaries with food, sleep, and how my time was spent. Sounds simple but the journey has been a rollercoaster. On top of that, pregnancy (and post-pregnancy) opened up an entirely different world for relating to food as I was (and still am) nourishing a little one.
One thing I have learned is everyone’s scenario looks different. Everyone’s strengths and weaknesses are not the same. We all look different on the inside than out. I’m writing this post and say it’s been, “a long time coming” because honestly this is the LAST thing I normally share with people. I’m not ashamed of it coming up in a conversation but the conversations get tricky because everyone has an opinion.
Part of my absence on here was to really decide how my time should be spent and how I can help other people in this area. I get asked a lot what our family eats but I recognize it might look a little different in your household. I’m still figuring it all out but I can say with full confidence, that if one person can gain some inspiration, relate to anything above, and find this space a little more pleasant with some fun and nutritional recipes, (when I get around to posting them) then I feel accomplished.
I really cannot thank you enough for reading my blog, your patience throughout this time and for each and every message and comment you send. It makes me beyond happy to know someone out there is benefiting from my recipes and advice while loving my passion alongside me. xo
March 3, 2019 @ 12:45 pm
I was thinking a lot this last week about how much I missed reading your blog. I am so glad you are back to writing on your blog! 🙂
March 4, 2019 @ 9:20 am
This just made my day! Thanks Sarah! 🙂