Homemade Date Syrup
As of today, Eric and I just finished the Whole 30. If you saw some of my posts here, you could see we did cheat/were pretty relaxed about it this time around. Since this is about our fourth or fifth time doing the Whole 30, we felt confident and okay with our, “cheat” choices. If it is your first time doing it though, don’t cheat! Do the entire experience to it’s fullest. 😉
One thing I have loved including in recipes throughout the Whole 30 (and beyond) that just flat out need a little sweetness, is date syrup. It is so easy to make and definitely adds a sweet replacement in recipes. Anything with two ingredients and tastes this good? Sign me up!
Homemade Date Syrup
- 1 cup warm water
- 15-20 dates
- In a blender, combine water and dates. Blend until thoroughly mixed.
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