If You and I Were to Have Coffee: Part 2


If you and I were to have coffee…

We’d talk about the high’s and low’s of the week. The challenges. The beauties. The big things and the little ones. 

If you and I were to have coffee…

We’d obviously talk about what we would spend our money on if we won the Jackpot. 😉 

If you and I were to have coffee…

I’d tell you to head over to Instagram and enter this giveaway since it’s kind of similar to winning the Jackpot. Kind of. 😉 

If you and I were to have coffee…

I’d say how fast time flies. I have no idea where the first half of the school year went and how January is almost over!

If you and I were to have coffee…

We’d talk about how it hasn’t snowed much around here and I am not complaining one little bit about that. 🙂

If you and I were to have coffee…

I’d say how how much I absolutely love these products and can’t stop buying them for friends and family! 

If you and I were to have coffee…

We’d pour ourselves another cup and sit just a little longer. There are such amazing things surrounding us, we just need to take a moment to appreciate them.